Man’s essence is Love in the form of Wisdom, Woman’s essence is Wisdom in the form of Love. Man is Love in Wisdom, and woman is Wisdom in Love.
Elifas Levi

Qualitative  sexual intercourses not only cause great pleasure, but also are the cheapest, enough effective and pleasant medicine against numerous problems in connection with health.

  Devoting ourselves to a love-game, we don’t think about what specifically is going on at the moment in our organism  on a chemical level. Whereas we should obtain some information from sexologists, since a quite interesting picture emerges.

• In the organism of a man and a woman, who are in an arousing  situation, is produced  one hormone, oxytocin, gifted with magical properties. By the wonderful half  of humanity  it is produced a little more slowly (that’s why women need longer prelude than their partners do).

• When the content of oxytocin achieves a certain level, a strong emission of endorphin occurs.

• Both  the level of female sexual hormones, estrogen and progesterone, and the level of male sexual hormone , testosterone, also go up. The breathing becomes deeper than it is in an usual situation, so lungs are actively aired and ,of course, more oxygen enters into blood. 

• During 2-15 seconds, when orgasm lasts on average, blood pressure rise sharply – the upper one is almost 20 mm of mercury, the lower one is up to 40 mm of mercury, and the speed of cardiac beat increases up to 160 strikes a minute. 

As it’s known, the state of being in love is conditioned by the changes of hormonal level. It turned out that one of the main ‘parts’ in this case plays the so-called molecule ‘PEA’.  As a well-trained secretary it fulfils the production of endorphin. That’s why when the subject of our passion appears in sight, we begin saying soft words, kissing each other and etc. It’s a pity, that as any chemical reaction, the state of love  passes.

Oxytocin helps to cheer up, to get free from consequences of stress and to forget about psychic nervousness and anxieties. It much better raises ‘tonus’ of the spirit, than endorphins do. And in case of joint influence they are ten times more effective than  the strongest means of psychic-tropes.

If a man suffers from sleeplessness s/he had better substitute doze of soporific by a healthy sex. Perhaps many of you have noticed that after active caress the person wants to sleep or falls asleep without leaving her/his partner from arms. It is the consequence of joint influence of oxytocin and endorphin on the organism.

Oxytocin is able to regulate the work of cardiovascular system, to stabilize blood pressure. It starts functioning long before orgasm which generates short-term ‘flight’ of pressure.

It is proved that by the people who feel orgasm 2-3 times a week (in comparison with those people who remember about intimacy only once a month), the intensive sex-regime encourages to lower the risk of heart attack diseases as well as death rate. Regular sex can prolong a person’s life with 7-10 year. After a qualitative sex several hormones , endorphins, oestrogen and testosterone, help to get free from taking pain-relieving means.  So the doctors, who deals with the patients having heavy pains, occasionally recommend  them to remember oftener about the most intimate side of a human relation.

Testosterone favors to improve the work of immune system, because it actively helps the organism to ‘push away’ all the possible viruses and bacteria.  The activization  of  blood circulation in the moment of intimacy helps to achieve the goal. Sexual pathologists have found out that in the blood of sexual active people there are more 30% antibodies which help to overcome dangerous microorganisms including viruses of flu and rhinitis.

Sexual shock of  circulatory and cardiovascular systems comes to the activization of some brain centers which ‘nod’ in a usual situation. For example, if a person doesn’t sleep after a passionate love-game, it’s desirable to busy himself/herself with physical or creative work. Especially for the sake of activization of brain centers the concentration of attention improves, opportunities of memory grow, creative potential ‘awakens’.

Active renovation of blood gives a wonderful cosmetic result. Blood circulation enriched with oxygen promotes the acceleration of metabolism in tissues including complexion of both face and body, doesn’t it?  Female sexual hormone, progesterone, has an anti phlogistic property.  Besides, hormonal changes, taking place in an organism in the minute of sexual ‘deeds’, motivate more intensive  production of collagen, the substance, which makes the skin younger, more elastic and more attractive.

So, taking into account the above-listed, busy yourselves with a therapy of sex, and your life will become quieter and more harmonious.