Sexual activities can be initiated for a variety of reasons, such as the pursuit of pleasure, lust, attachment, belonging to somebody, the wish for closeness and safety. One of the basic motives in human evolution and history has been the wish for a child, i.e. procreation.

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Psychohygiena of sexual life

 Sexual intercourse is the result of physical and emotional intimacy between couples. It stems from her/his own interest in a partner, part of which is sexual hygiene. 

Without adequate hygiene of body and genital organs, sexual life cannot be healthy and full of pleasure.

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Essence of Jealousy 

 There are people who think that if there is no feeling of jealousy then there is no love either, but it is isn’t always so. If we describe jealousy in short it will mean that it is a proprietary right over/towards another person with numerous serious consequences. Feeling of light jealousy may become a stimulus in a marital life, that’s to say it may lead to sexual desire and give a new nuance to marital a relation which is, of course, a means of struggling against an uneventful life, and at last it may refresh feeling of love.

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Sex Education 

Manifestations of sexual behavior at an early age

Mother often can notice that in a naked sate, for example during bathing the baby or changing his/her pampers, s/he touches him/herself. In such a period of development the infant doesn’t have a sense of shame, and it is the parents’ attitude that makes this or that manifestation of behavior acceptable. The parents shouldn’t

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Therapy of Sex


Man’s essence is Love in the form of Wisdom, Woman’s essence is Wisdom in the form of Love. Man is Love in Wisdom, and woman is Wisdom in Love.
Elifas Levi

Qualitative  sexual intercourses not only cause great pleasure, but also are the cheapest, enough effective and pleasant medicine against numerous problems in connection with health.

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Why Do a Lot of Girls Worry about Small Breast? 

 Small breast is the source of anxiety for lot of girls. Perhaps the mass media is responsible for this anxiety by distortion of concept of female sexuality and an image of an erotic woman. Mass media offers such guarantees of a female sexuality as big breast, long legs, etc. The dictation of such erotic image has

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Self-satisfaction in the Period of Puberty 

 Self-satisfaction (masturbation, onanism) is a self-arousal with the help of hands which is concluded with ejaculation by men and orgasm by representatives of both sexes. First of all it is onanism which is one of the manifestations of puberty by the youth. This type of self-satisfaction is conditioned by physiological and social factors. The physiological factors are

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Self-satisfaction at a Mature Age 

 Both men and women practicing a self-satisfaction at a mature age. Unlike men, who have been masturbating since the youth age, women do this a bit later, mainly after having obtained a sexual experience. There are several types of self-satisfaction at a mature age. The most widespread self-satisfaction is so-called

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What Can Damage Sexual Relationships 

 A lot of internal and external factors like specifications of a character, domestic surroundings, etc. have their own influence on sexual intercourses. It is necessary to emphasize domestic upbringing function, particularly the sexual education. The lack of a sexual upbringing, gotten at a child’s age, puts its own ‘seal’ on the further sexual life,

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Sexual Compatibility & Harmony 

 Very often we can hear a wrong opinion that the sexual harmony between a woman and a man is their sexual compatibility with each other, like the key is appropriate to its lock. If their sexual life doesn’t bring a mutual satisfaction, it means that they are not compatible with each other physically. The sexual harmony appears to be something

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Frustrated Sexual Excitement 

  Mature women who haven’t had a sexual experience yet often ask the question “Isn’t the absence of sexual intercourse dangerous for a woman’s life?” Why are they interested in it? Do these women suffer from a sexual desire, or does forbidden fruit seem tasty?

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