There is no full method of protecting from pregnancy. Each of them has as positive as negative sides. Contraceptives only reduce the risk of being pregnant, but don’t exclude it. Pregnancy control is double effective when the man shares the responsibility of family planning.

There are numerous methods of protecting from an undesirable pregnancy which choice depends on age groups and general condition of organism. Statistics shows that the most effective methods are oral (hormonal preparations) and intrauterine contraceptives. However, it is necessary to take into consideration that the application of hormonal preparations has a very individual essence. Especially they are recommended to women of an average age, moreover the choice of a preparation must be made according to the consultation with a doctor in order to avoid from undesirable consequences/results.
Spirals belong to the number of intrauterine contraceptives which are more recommended to the people who systematically have sexual intercourses, because they have a lasting influence. The coefficient of intrauterine devices composes 98% and what’s the most important is that outsider influences are comparatively fewer. And the intrauterine devices like candles and ointments have a shorter influence (it influences after 5 minutes and lasts up to 4 hours). Besides having a contraceptive property they are endowed with an antibacterial and treating influence. The interrupted sexual intercourse is the most widespread method. It, like the others, has negative and positive sides. The advantage of this method is that it doesn’t need any special preparation and charges, and it can be applied at any time. This method is effective only in 80% cases as spermatozoa are possible to be in liquid of pre-ejaculation, consequently development of pregnancy. It has also expressed outsider influences. But with this method there can be such sexual disorders as female orgasm disorders and decrease of a sexual desire, male premature ejaculation, impotence and neurosis can ultimately become the reason of a couple’s sexual disharmony.
Biological method or method of calendar, which coefficient forms 90% , is based on the decision of ovulation period and the restriction of sexual relations on the marked days. It is usually the 14th day of menstrual cycle but in order to be on the safe side it is advisory to avoid from sexual intercourses from the 10th to the 17th day, that’s to say one week. Condoms are the most widespread mechanical contraceptives, which coefficient forms 88%. Privilege of this method is in its comfortable and simple use. It has one more important circumstance – it (with) almost 99% protects from STDs.
However, it is necessary to remember that the number of birth control has been increasing even in case of permanent and precise application/use.