Pregnancy is a physiological state, during which a woman’s self-perception, the attitude towards sexual function, connected with the rearrangement of the system of values, is conditioned by hormone and psychological changes occurring in the organism. In this case motherly instinct becomes dominant for a woman, which impacts the interpersonal and finally sexual function with her husband.

   In different quarters of pregnancy sexual activity is different, connected with hormone changes and, why not, inner-personal and interpersonal emotional states. On the whole, a decline of sexual desire is observed among women and the same decline with secondary mechanisms is observed among their husbands. This is mainly conditioned by high levels of progesterone and prolactin hormones in blood. Besides, this or that degree of early toxicosis is observed among 70% of women, and/or danger of pregnancy interruption and other pathological states, which negatively influence both women’s general health and sexual function.
  A comparative improvement of sexual activity and general life quality is observed in the second quarter. It is conditioned by physical changes in woman’s organism and adaptation towards the general state and absence of fear of danger of possible miscarriage. In this stage improvements of blood supply to sexual organs and, consequently, vaginal moistening take place, which prevent frequently occurring dyspareunia (pain during sexual act) in the first quarter, conditioned by vaginal dryness. 
  In the third quarter, decline of sensitivity of a woman’s erogenous zones is observed, combined with low sexual desire and frequent anorgasmia, which is connected with physical changes in a woman’s organism, which are - increase of weight, change of body structure, psychological stress, and syndrome of chronic tiredness. Changes towards sexual life noted above pressure sexual interest. Nevertheless, in spite of this medical scientific analysis, another course of sexual activity is observed among some women, for example increase of sexual desire, etc. Utter importance is given to the awareness of couples, as sometimes sexual activity is regarded as a danger for normal intercourse of pregnancy, and couples abstain from the latter during the whole period of pregnancy. Thus, it’s important to underline the circumstance that the sexual activity based on mutual consent of a married couple does not pose any danger to a PHYSIOLOGICAL /healthy/ flowing pregnancy. Of course except from risky cases, such as, for example, bloody discharge during pregnancy. In such cases, excluding vaginal sexual relationship, one can be satisfied with mutual sexual endearments. There is a hypothesis that vaginal sexual relationship can stimulate delivery processes due to stimulating influence of prostaglandins in a man’s sperm. 
 Thus, summing up, it becomes obvious that for a pregnant woman, irrespective of pregnancy stage and hormone state, any positive emotion is greatly important, which can help overcome this or that complication formed during pregnancy and, why not, physical changes.