A voracious wish to be desirable and loved often creates an invented sexual character, limiting only with the choice of ornaments, clothing, tattoos, inappropriate and vulgar make-up and accessories. Moreover, sometimes it reaches to extreme situation, even to fetishism. 

In order to be more sexual, girls lose their personality and peculiarity, while to be sexual, you need to be yourself. There is certainly a direct connection between sexuality, fashion, and behavioral manifestations in the given society. Although this interaction often loses harmony in our society, for example a woman compensates her depressed sexual desire, emotions and behavior with her outward appearance.
These are the women, who are the victims of sexual image. They ignore individual standards in order to be sexual, namely it is not important for them weather it suits them or not, weather it is beautiful or convenient. The important thing is to draw attention. Following this model creates a distorted sexual image and taste, and what is more important-it has an influence on others.
While natural sexuality, charm and beauty, are often lost by wrong behavior, tasteless clothing and cosmetics (K.Topchyan). On the other side, women choose that image for men, in order to be loved and desired by them. Maybe men unwillingly dictate the image and taste!
However, it is important to mention, that often taking this as a model, the real erotic image is distorted and we encounter various physiological changes. Moreover, both men and women may have serious health problems.
So we all have right to chose ether personal beauty, harmony and therefore health, or invented, shouting, routine ‘’beauty’’, and certainly lack of harmony.